
Provisional and subject to revision

The Oxford History of Modern German Theology

3 volumes
General Editors: David Lincicum, Judith Wolfe, and Johannes Zachhuber

Volume 1: 1781–1848

Editors: Grant Kaplan, Kevin Vander Schel

General Introduction: Lincicum, Wolfe, Zachhuber (to be included in each volume)

Volume Introduction (Kaplan, Vander Schel)

Part I: Background

1. The Reformation and the emergence of Protestant Orthodoxy (Robert Kolb)
2. Early modern Catholic theology in German speaking lands (Thomas Wallnig)
3. Pietism (Douglas Shantz)
4. The Protestant Enlightenment (Eric Carlsson)
5. Counter-Enlightenment and Catholic Erweckung (John Betz)
6. Beginnings of historical criticism (Michael Legaspi)
7. Influence of Jewish thinking (esp. Kabbalah) on German religious thought (Paul Franks)

Part II: 1781-1806

8. Historical Introduction: Political, social, and legal changes (Andreas Holzem)
9. Early theological reception of Kantian and post-Kantian Idealism (Ian Hunter)
10. The pantheism controversy (Myriam Bienenstock)
11. Early Romanticism (Dan Whistler)
12. Romantic Art and Theology (Werner Busch)
13. The changing place of religious orders, and its role in theological development (Reinald Becker)

Part III: 1806-1815

14. Historical Introduction: Theological justification of nationalism. Beginnings of ‘German Christianity’. (Ruth Jackson)
15. Debates about the academic status of theology (Benjamin Dahlke)
16. Debates about myth and mythology (Liisa Steinby)
17. Theology and early historicism (Johannes Zachhuber)

Part IV: 1815-1830

18. Historical Introduction: Political Restauration and its effects on German theology; the Prussian Union (Richard Schaefer)
19. Changing Social Imaginary and Its Effect on German Theology (Todd H. Weir)
20. The Catholic Tübingen School in its first decade (Grant Kaplan)
21. Rationalist exegesis (Brettschneider, Paulus, de Wette) (Paul Michael Kurtz)
22. Schleiermacher’s Christian Faith and its immediate reception (Andrew Dole)
23. Anti-modern developments; beginnings of awakening (Kevin Vander Schel)
24. Georg Hermes and the Hermesians (Catholic reception of Kant; Idealism) (Justin Coyle)

Part V: 1830-1848

25. Historical Introduction: Political, social, and economic changes of Vormärz (Jeff Zalar)
26. Hegel’s Philosophy of Religion, Schelling’s Philosophy of Revelation, and their immediate theological reception (Jordan Wood)
27. F.C. Baur and the Tübingen School (David Lincicum)
28. Mediating Theology (Annette Aubert)
29. Church History/History of Doctrine (Neander; Dorner; Döllinger) (Klaus Unterburger)
30. D. F. Strauss and the controversy about the Life of Jesus (Michael Ledger-Lomas)
31. Ludwig Feuerbach and the challenge of atheism (Todd Gooch)
32. Theological aspects of Young Hegelians (Bruno Bauer; the early Marx) (Roland Boer)
33. The Corpus Reformatorum and other major editing projects (Zack Purvis)
34. Jewish Emancipation (David Wertheim)
35. Roman Catholic historical-criticism (Kuhn, Mack) (William Madges)
36. Issues in Religious Freedom: The Cologne Affair and the Kniebeugungsstreit (James Lee)

Volume 2: 1848–1918

Editor: Mark Chapman

Volume Introduction (Chapman)

Part I: 1848-1871

1. Historical Introduction: German theology between revolution and unification (Klaus Fitschen)
2. Revolutionary and Anti-revolutionary theology (Nitzsch, Dorner, Müller; Stahl, Vilmar) (Philippe Büttgen)
3. The rise of Ultramontanism in Roman Catholicism (Charlotte Hansen)
4. Lutheran repristination and confessionalism (Kliefoth; Erlangen School; Theodosius Harnack, Höfling, Harless; Hofmann) (Jonathan Mumme)
5. Theological Liberalism and the Protestantenverein (Rothe, Schenkel) (Arnulf von Scheliha)
6. The problems of history and Biblical Interpretation (Baur; Weisse; Wilke; Ritschl; Pfleiderer) (David Lincicum)
7. Religion, positivism, atheism, scientism (Schwartz, Lang, Biedermann; Strauss) (Thomas K. Kuhn)
8. Inner mission and Diakonie (Löhe etc) (Judith Boettcher)

Part II: 1871-1888

9. Historical Introduction: Theology in the new Empire (Joshua Bennett)
10. Theology and the university system (Claudia Kampmann)
11. The First Vatican Council and the rise of Old Catholicism (Angela Berlis)
12. Ritschl and the Ritschl School (Ritschl, Kaftan, Herrmann, Harnack) (Johannes Zachhuber)
13. Empire and the development of Missiology (Jeremy Best)
14. New directions in Biblical Studies (Wellhausen) (Aly Elrefaei)

Part III: 1888-1918

15. Historical Introduction: Theology in Wilhelmian Germany (Christian Nottmeier)
16. Source editions (GCS, Weimar Edition of Luther’s works) (Albrecht Geck)
17. Adolf Harnack and public theology (Julia Winnebeck)
18. Histories of the Church, of Doctrine, of the Councils (e.g. Hase, Hefele, Harnack, Seeberg) I: Patristics and Middle Ages (Wolfram Kinzig)
19. Histories of the Church, of Doctrine, of the Councils II: Reformation and Counter-reformation (Zack Purvis)
20. The History of Religion School (Troeltsch, Wrede, Bousset, Gunkel) (Paul Capetz)
21. Antisemitism and Nationalism (de Lagarde, Chamberlain, Stoecker) (Uffa Jensen)
22. Culture Protestantism (Rade, Troeltsch, Naumann) (Mark Chapman)
23. The challenge of Darwinism (Helmholtz, Häckel, Kaftan) (Tilman Schröder)
24. Theology and the rise of the science of religion (Müller, de Lagarde, Weber, Troeltsch) (Arie Molendijk)
25. Catholic theology to Modernism (Claus Arnold)
26. Schleiermacher-Renaissance, Mysticism and the Idea of the Holy (Otto and others) (Peter Schüz)
27. Lives of Jesus and New departures in New Testament Studies (Wrede, Schweitzer) (James Carleton Paget)
28. Religious Socialism (including Blumhardt, Ragaz and Switzerland) (Christian Colling Winn)
29. The Impact of the First World War (Mark Chapman)
30. War Theology (Mark R. Correll)

Volume 3: 1918–2000

Editors: Michael DeJonge and Christiane Tietz

Volume Introduction (DeJonge/Tietz)

Part I: 1918-33

1. Historical Introduction: Theology in the Weimar Period (Kyle Jantzen)
2. Religious Socialism (Gary Dorrien)
3. Catholic Anti-modernism and Neo-Scholasticism (Christian Stoll)
4. Dialectical Theology (Barth, Brunner, Bultmann, Gogarten, Thurneysen) (Christophe Chalamet)
5. Responses to Dialectical Theology in Practical Theology (Asmussen, Barth, Thurneysen; Niebergall) (Thomas Schlag)
6. Rediscovering Luther – The Luther Renaissance and beyond (Christine Svinth-Værge Põder)
7. Developments in Hymnology and Liturgical Studies (Benedikt Kranemann/Lea Lerch)
8. Internationalism and Ecumenism (Keith Clements)
9. Form Criticism and Biblical Theology (Von Rad; K.L. Schmidt, Dibelius, Bultmann) (Martin Bauspieß)
10. Literature and Theology (Judith Wolfe)
11. Theological engagement with Orthodox Religious Thought (Jennifer Wasmuth)
12. The Continuing Influence of the Religionsgeschichtliche Schule (Bousset, Heitmüller, Jülicher) (Thomas R. Blanton)
13. Patristics and Philology (Ulrich Volp)

Part II: 1933-45

14. Historical Introduction: Third Reich and World War II (Beth Greich-Pollele)
15. Theology, National Socialism and Anti-Semitism (Susannah Heschel)
16. The Theology of the Confessing Church (Barmen, Barth, Bonhoeffer) (Philip Ziegler)
17. Early Political Theology (Christian Stoll)
18. Phenomenology and Theology (John Betz and James Orr)
19. The Anthropological Turn in Catholic Theology (Rahner, Adam) (Kevin Vander Schel)
20. New Old Testament Theologies (L. Köhler and W. Eichrodt) (Manfred Oehming)

Part III: 1945-62

21. Historical Introduction: Post-war Period (Matthew Hockenos)
22. Theology in the Shadow of the Third Reich (Metz, Sölle, Jüngel, Moltmann) (Christiane Tietz)
23. Reception of the Catholic Tübingen School (Grant Kaplan)
24. The Great Theological Systems (Barth, Brunner, Ebeling, Pannenberg, Thielicke, Tillich) (Bernd Oberdorfer)
25. Demythologization and Hermeneutical Theology (Bultmann, Bultmann school, Ebeling, Fuchs) (Jörg Frey)
26. Peace Ethics (incl. debate about the Heidelberg Theses) (Hans-Richard Reuter)
27. Post-war Developments in Practical Theology (Mirjam Zimmermann)

Part IV: 1962-2000

28. Historical Introduction: The Period of Vatican II and after (Wilhelm Damberg)
29. Vatican II and Conciliar Theology (Rahner, Balthasar, Ratzinger, Küng, Metz, Rahner, Kasper, Drewermann) (Roman Siebenrock)
30. Theology of Religions (Reinhold Bernhard)
31. Human Language and God (Jüngel, Pannenberg) (Martin Hailer)
32. Rediscovering Trinitarian Theology (Barth, Jüngel, Moltmann, Rahner) (Christoph Schwöbel)
33. Theology and Politics in East and West I (Marquardt, Metz, Moltmann, Soelle, Church and State in East Germany) (Saskia Wendel);
34. Theology and Politics in East and West II (Henning Theißen)
35. Beginnings of Christian Feminist Theology (Marie-Theres Wacker)
36. Barth’s Controversial Legacy (Thomas Schlag)
37. New Directions in Biblical Studies (R. Rendtorff; H.H. Schmid, E. Blum; W. Marxen; Biblical Theology) (Mark Elliot)
38. Jewish-Christian Dialogue (Klappert, Marquardt, Bethge) (Ernst-Michael Dörfuß)
39. Contextual Theologies and the Conciliar Process (Ulrike Auga)